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58th European Go Congress 2014

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58th European Go Congress 2014
02/08/2013 17:45
Пришла информация от организаторов следующего ЕГК (2014, Румыния)

Dear friends,

The registration for the 2014 European Go Congress has started! Please visit the official website: [egc2014.com] for more info or email us, the organizers at: info@egc2014.com if you have questions.

For reservations, travel information and other such info, please contact our travel partner at: travel@egc2014.com

The Congress will take place at Ramada Hotel, in the very center of Sibiu (Hermanstadt). I've attached an extensive description of this beautiful city.

Looking forward to meet you in Sibiu!

Tournament director,
Ion Florescu